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Сборник рассказовновые книги, мистика, ужасы, вампиры




К сожалению, некоторые каверы в этом блоге не открываются, поэтому найти их можно еще и здесь - адрес в заглавии поста (сюда почему-то вставить ссылку не получается.)

Brian Aldiss 'Dracula Unbound'книги, мистика, фэнтази, вампиры


Отличная книга в научно-фантастическом жанре.


Frank J. Morlock 'Lord Ruthven the Vampire' and 'Lord Ruthven Begins'книги, романтика, вампиры, мистика


In the early 1800s, young British aristocrat Aubrey travels through Italy and Greece in the company of the mercurial and fantastic Lord Ruthven. Later, he believes his friend to have been mysteriously slain. But when Ruthven returns from the dead to prey on his sister, he realizes that the enigmatic stranger is none other than a vampire!
The book also includes an all-new story pitting Ruthven against Dracula and Sherlock Holmes by renowned playwright and translator Frank J. Morlock.

Lord Ruthven are finally revealed for the first time in Volume 3 of this unique trilogy (LORD RUTHVEN THE VAMPYRE and THE RETURN OF LORD RUTHVEN), which includes Lord Ruthven Begins, an 1868 play by Jules Dornay and The Confession of Mary Queen of Scots Regarding Lord Ruthven, an all-new story by playwright and translator Frank J. Morlock.

Meg Cabot 'Insatiable'/Мэг Кэбот 'Ненасытный'мистика, любовный роман, вампиры


Роман от автора знаменитых "Дневников принцессы"!
И снова — обычная девушка в весьма необычных обстоятельствах! Мина Харпер, телесценаристка средней руки, знакомится с "таинственным незнакомцем" — историком Лучаном Антонеску. Он красив и загадочен, он — женская мечта наяву. Однако то, что могло бы послужить началом красивой любовной истории, превращается в историю головокружительных, опасных приключений и темных, саморазрушительных страстей. Рядом с Лучаном — всегда смерть. Но кто он — жертва или охотник, Свет или Тьма? Мина должна понять это, пока не поздно.

(Описание книги на русском языке, так как книга существует в русском варианте.)


Marta Acosta 'The Bride of Casa Dracula (Casa Dracula 3)'книги, вампиры, мистика


Milagro De Los Santos is having serious problems planning her wedding to fabulous Oswald Grant, M.D. Her future in-laws loathe her, her dog just died, and Oswald's family has a genetic anomaly that makes them crave blood. Then her extravagant best friend hijacks the role of wedding coordinator, and the secretive Vampire Council assigns conniving Cornelia Ducharme to guide the couple through the ancient vampire marriage rituals.

To top it all off, Milagro's career is on the skids. She's reduced to ghost-writing the memoirs of a loony little man who claims to be a shapeshifter. And why does Cornelia's decadent, way too attractive brother, Ian, always show up whenever Milagro is away from Oswald? When a series of accidents interferes with wedding plans, Oswald worries that Milagro is cracking under the pressure. Is she just paranoid, or is a hidden enemy trying to make sure Milagro doesn't wed the undead? Milagro De Los Santos is having serious problems planning her wedding to fabulous Oswald Grant, M.D. Her future in-laws loathe her, her dog just died, and Oswald's family has a genetic anomaly that makes them crave blood. Then her extravagant best friend hijacks the role of wedding coordinator, and the secretive Vampire Council assigns conniving Cornelia Ducharme to guide the couple through the ancient vampire marriage rituals.

To top it all off, Milagro's career is on the skids. She's reduced to ghost-writing the memoirs of a loony little man who claims to be a shapeshifter. And why does Cornelia's decadent, way too attractive brother, Ian, always show up whenever Milagro is away from Oswald? When a series of accidents interferes with wedding plans, Oswald worries that Milagro is cracking under the pressure. Is she just paranoid, or is a hidden enemy trying to make sure Milagro doesn't wed the undead?Скрыть▲

Freda Warrington 'Dracula the Undead'книги, вампиры, мистика


The legend returns... - It is seven years since a stake was driven through the heart of the infamous Count Dracula. Seven years which have not eradicated the terrible memories for Jonathan and Mina Harker, who now have a young son. To lay their memories to rest they return to Transylvania, and can find no trace of the horrific events. But, beneath the earth, Draculas soul lies in limbo, waiting for the Lifeblood that will revive him...


Carole Gill 'The Fourth Bride (The Blackstone Vampires Series, 4)'книги, новинки, вампиры


Dia, cursed by Dracula, is taken to his castle. Once there, she is seduced and turned by the count, and she becomes his fourth bride. The other brides are to be her sisters, and they are all to love and feed upon one another. As her master says: "The joy is in the blood...the passion is in the blood...endless life is in the blood...!"

And so she finds it is.
Dia's tale is full of erotic and graphic violence. It is a tale of love and lust but mostly of blood, for the blood is everything...


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